Hey everyone. Disappointed to see that Full on Rogues is number three last time I checked on the on nerd points. Everyone knows we are the best guild on Feathermoon, but there are a number of steps we need to take.
These include finishing out old end game content for raid guild achievements. Heroic lvl85 content should be easy to blaze through, but obviously need to meet guild composition requirements (8 members or more for 10 man most easily). Make it happen and we should be able to regain the #1 or #2 position.
Again sorry I can’t be with you guys but I at this point have too much on my plate to afford time to properly devote myself to the game. I’m glad everything at a glance looks well and I encourage anyone to contact me. Corpsegoat at guild name dot org will get you there. Guild name obviously being the website address. Deezz, Deni and all the Canadians have my contact info also. Don’t be afraid to message me.
Best regards,